cs kids

In CS Kids we want to help your kids connect with Christ and discover their spiritual journey.

Serve with CS Kids!

Make a difference in the life of a child!

CS Kids offers a variety of opportunities to serve the children of Cornerstone. Email us at cskids@cornerstoneaz.com for more information about the current opportunities in Heartland, Studio 14, VIP (Special Needs Ministry) and KaBOOM. 

Lead Teachers & Classroom Helpers

Heartland (infants through kindergarten) and Studio 14 (1st-4th grade) have opportunities available for lead teachers and classroom helpers during each of the services on Saturday (4:00pm) and Sunday (9:05am, 10:35am and 11:55am).

All lessons and materials are prepared and ready to use in the classroom each service.

Studio 14 Large Group Leader

Do you love to perform?

Studio 14 has great opportunities to lead an interactive large group experience for 1st through 4th graders.

The Studio 14 large group leaders provide an entertaining, fun experience which helps the kids learn about Jesus during each weekend service.

Lesson materials and scripts are prepared and made available for the large group leaders prior to each weekend, so it's easy to be ready to lead a fun and exciting experience for the kids! 

Special Needs Ministry Volunteer

Our Special Needs Ministry is called "VIP" and provides two unique environments for individuals with all sorts of challenges to provide them an opportunity to experience acceptance and God’s love.

VIP is looking for volunteers to serve in our classroom environment on Saturday (4:00pm service) and during the 9:05am and 11:55am services on Sunday. We are also for "volunteer partners" to provide a buddy to assist the child in a typical classroom.

KaBOOM Team Leaders

If you're looking for an opportunity to serve during the week, KaBOOM has opportunities for you to help lead a small group of 1st through 4th graders on Tuesday nights during the school year.

Think Kids Kamp (or vacation bible school) X 10! KaBOOM is a high-energy midweek ministry that allows 1st through 4th graders to build friendships and learn more about Jesus while having a ton of fun.

All of the activities are prepared and led by experienced volunteers, so that KaBOOM team leaders can focus on connecting with kids and helping them have a great time each Tuesday night.
