
Applications for 2025 Program

In this one-year commitment, women walk alongside others further in their faith journey. Exploring topics like Prayer, Identity, and Calling, this Bible-based journey connects life experiences with scripture, with mentors providing guidance and encouragement.

Women’s Mentoring Program

We are excited about your interest in joining our community and embarking on this journey with us. 

Program Overview:

The Women's Mentoring Program connects women at various stages of their spiritual journey for a 12-month exploration of The Word. Through intentional, Christ-centered relationships, mentors guide, support, and encourage mentees in their faith. Within this authentic community, both mentors and mentees grow together through dedicated time in Scripture and prayer.

What to expect from the program:

  • Establish a lifelong passion and habit of studying God’s Word
  • Learn how to apply Scripture in everyday life
  • Be trained to be a woman who gives, serves, and grows in their faith
  • Gain hope and resilience in the face of today’s unique challenges
  • Connect with a community of women on the same journey

What we expect from you:

  • Commit to program from January to December 2025
  • Participate in a Pre-Requisite Class/Group • The Good and Beautiful God • Class begins Aug 22
  • Attend required meetings on September 8th and November 9th, 2024
  • Monthly in-person meetings with your mentor, beginning Jan 2025
  • Daily Bible reading and journal prompts with mentor
  • Program cost of $75, this includes your mentoring journal

